
Friday, June 29, 2012

Book Excerpt/Giveaway : Moa by Tricia Stewart Shiu

Please enjoy this excerpt from Moa, a paranormal YA novel with a literary bent by Tricia Stewart Shiu. Then read on to learn how you can win huge prizes as part of this blog tour, including $600 in Amazon gift cards, a Kindle Fire, 5 autographed copies of Moa, and 5 autographed copies of its sequel, Statue of Ku.


Eighteen-year-old, Hillary Hause’s left thumb searches frantically to turn on the “I’m Okay to Fly” hypnotherapy recording. Her nerves on edge, fuchsia fingernails press into the blue pleather armrests of her airplane seat.

“No spells can help you now,” she whispers to herself under her breath—then checks to see if anyone notices. Nope, they don’t.

The plane lifts through the early morning, gray fog of California, “June Gloom” giving way to the azure sky, and Hillary covers her curly brown head and retreats beneath the questionably clean plane blanket cranking the volume to drown out the drone of the engines.

“Outer shell close to breaking.” This time she doesn’t care if anyone hears.

I hover just beyond her “outer shell”—a movement in the periphery, a faintly familiar scent, a fond memory just beyond recognition, a non-human observer. Before the week is up, Hillary will save my life, as I will hers. But, for now, more about Hillary.

The drink cart rolls past the blanket, which has, by now become a moist steamy cave.


“Hey, freak. I hope your plane crashes.” The memory reverberates through her brain despite her attempts to distract herself with the hypnotherapy recording. She increases the volume, but the ugly conversation, which occurred just before school ended, still haunts her mind.

“I guess the only people they check on those flights are the suspicious ones,” Krystal Sykes, a bully from her home room, leans in as Hillary hastens to grab books for her next class. Krystal, also a senior, has hounded Hillary since the first day of freshman year and this is the final day during the final hour at this tiny high school of 376 students —where everyone knows everyone else’s business.

“Look, Krystal.” Hillary turns her eyes toward the sneering blonde. “It’s the last day of school, we’ll never see each other again. Can you give it a rest?” These are the most words the two young women have exchanged in the entire four years of high school.

A look of shock replaces Krystal’s smug snick, “Oh, so now you talk.” She leans in, so close that her spray tan becomes a patchy Impressionist painting. Her pores are blotched with cakey, two shades too dark powder, her unblended cream eyeshadow creases across the center of her lid and her tropical breeze flavored breath threatens to strangle the words right out of Hillary.

“I know all about your witchcraft practices and have made a few spells of my own. Trust me. You’ll never make it to your sister’s house in Hawaii.” Krystal’s backpack jingles and Hillary watches her spin around and skip down the hall.


Hillary is not a witch. She has, however, carefully crafted a “shell” to protect herself from bullies like Krystal—who, as far as Hillary can tell—is not a witch either. She has watched Krystal throughout elementary, middle and high school and has not been able to discern whether or not she practices witchcraft. No matter what Krystal’s background, her intent is to harm. And there is nothing worse than a spell with an aim to hurt. Hillary has had no choice but to remain in a constant state of defensiveness.

The twenty-minute recording ends and Hillary falls into a troubled sleep—feeling every bump and hearing every creak of the plane.

With about an hour left in the flight, Hillary awakens with a “turtle headache.” Hillary’s older sister Molly taught her this term which means a headache caused by sleeping too long underneath the covers of one’s bed.

Sadly, Molly lost her husband, Steve, last year in an unfortunate surfing accident. The throbbing pain in Hillary’s left temple could be the result of remaining submerged beneath an airplane blanket and wedged between the window and armrest, or it could be from worry about how Molly and her niece, Heidi are dealing with their devastating loss.

Disoriented, Hillary pokes her head out just in time to glimpse puffy clouds and sparkling sea below. A flood of excitement and sheer wonder flows through Hillary in the form of a tingle from her head to her toes. And then, a lovely thought: “...And for an Everlasting Roof, The Gambrels of the Sky...” She will enjoy this plane ride, thanks in part to Emily Dickinson.


As part of this special promotional extravaganza sponsored by Novel Publicity, the price of the Moa and Statue of Ku eBook editions have both been dropped to just 99 cents this week. What’s more, by purchasing either of these fantastic books at an incredibly low price, you can enter to win many awesome prizes. The prizes include $600 in Amazon gift cards, a Kindle Fire, and 5 autographed copies of each book.

All the info you need to win one of these amazing prizes is RIGHT HERE. Remember, winning is as easy as clicking a button or leaving a blog comment--easy to enter; easy to win!

To win the prizes:
  1. Purchase your copies of Moa and Statue of Ku for just 99 cents
  2. Enter the Rafflecopter contest on Novel Publicity
  3. Visit today’s featured social media event
About Moa: Eighteen-year-old, Hillary, anticipates adventure as she embarks for trip to Honolulu, but gets more than she bargained for when Moa, an ancient Hawaiian spirit, pays her an unexpected visit. Get it on Amazon.

About Statue of Ku: The second book in the Moa Book Series, "The Statue of Ku" follows Hillary and Moa as they jet to Egypt on the Prince’s private plane to reclaim Moa’s family heirloom, the inimitable statue of Ku. Get it on Amazon.

About the author: Tricia Stewart Shiu combines her addiction to the written word with her avid interest in the healing arts and all things metaphysical in her novels Moa and Statue of Ku and looks forward to finding new ways to unite her two loves. Visit Tricia on her website, Twitter, Facebook, or GoodReads.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Freedom to Read Giveaway Hop (June 29 - July 5)

I Am A Reader, Not A Writer

Hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer & Katie @ Mundie Moms

June 29th to July 5th

I will be giving away a $10 Barnes and Noble Giftcard

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Interview/Giveaway: Moa by Tricia Stewart Shiu

Please enjoy this interview with Tricia Stewart Shiu, author of the paranormal YA novel with a literary bent Moa. Then read on to learn how you can win huge prizes as part of this blog tour, including $600 in Amazon gift cards, a Kindle Fire, 5 autographed copies of Moa, and 5 autographed copies of its sequel, Statue of Ku.


1. The Moa Book series has a metaphysical theme. Do you have any expertise in this area?

I am an energetic intuitive and have a talent for creating powerful healing essential oil blends and gem elixirs. The unearthing of these talents occurred as I embarked on a metaphysical journey, which included studies in mediumship, pagan and Huna rituals as well as an energy healing technique called “Crystalline Consciousness Technique.” I also studied a variety of shamanic clearing methods and healing rituals.

2. You get pretty heavy into the metaphysical. Are you, in fact, a witch?

Like, Hillary, I question who I am on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis. For centuries, women have been persecuted and even killed for being labeled a witch. I have studied many forms of healing rituals and magic and discovered that I have talents for using essential oils and crystals for the highest good. Others, who have witnessed the results of my practices, have called me many things: healer, shaman, and yes, witch. I choose not to accept any of these names but to embrace all of them as one growing changing name—wishealer or heshitch—to coin a phrase...or maybe not. As I discover more talents, gifts and unique parts to myself, this unusual word is sure to undergo a metamorphosis and may grow to the size of Moa's real, and quite lengthy, Hawaiian name.

3. What are your favorite books and how have they touched you as a reader?
Albert Einstein said, "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” The books/stories that touch me most echo the theme of humanity and self discovery and include a sense of adventure and wonder. Ray Bradbury's short story, Frost and Fire is a shocking, but tender story about a boy's journey into a world where people only live eight days. James Joyce's Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man inspired me to unleash my inner censor and allow my truth to shine though my writing. If I could wish anything for those who read my books, it would be the gift of self acceptance and self acknowledgement.
4. How long does it take you to write a book from start to finish?

Good question. I went back into my notes and discovered that it took me exactly three months and ten days to write Moa from beginning to end. That seems to be my average writing speed, three months. My aunt Rebecca Gummere is my editor extraordinaire. We have developed a comfortable and productive working rhythm that balances creativity and structure and brings such joy and enrichment to the work.

5. Who designs the covers for your books?

The brilliant and talented Sydney Shiu took the cover photos when she was six during a trip to Hawaii. Scott Torrance brought his years of experience in photographic art and design to the layouts.

6. What was the hardest part of writing your book?

The time between stories is the most challenging for me. When I am inside a story and writing I am filled with peace and joy. When I finish and have to leave that world, I mourn the loss of this comforting place--the same is true when I finish reading a great book. Nevertheless, I believe that this sadness brings with it a great opportunity and depth of creativity and I wouldn’t change a thing about the process.

7. Any take-away message you want readers to grasp?

Each of us has at least one divine gift to remember. The moment we wake up and retrieve the memory of who we are and what we are here to do, that's when the adventure begins.

8. When did you first consider yourself an author?

I was in middle school and read James Joyce’s Portrait of an Artist for the first time. About an hour later, I was overcome by an urge to write, an impulse I readily indulged. Time stood still, I still can't quite remember what happened during that frenzied period of first creation. All I remember is coming to with pages upon pages filled with words in front of me. It felt incredible to express myself so freely. I've never looked back.

9. Did you start out writing novels?

No. I started out writing short stories when I was young. Then when I began acting, I wrote one-woman shows and plays, eventually combining my efforts of performance and writing in a piece called Doing Lunch which made it’s way into a short film trilogy directed by Hal Trussel. That film won “Best Dramatic Short” at the Houston Film Festival.

10. What was your main source of inspiration for the Moa book series?

When I was five, I was visited by a vision. I'll never forget it, I was running down the stairs and the entity, a girl with dark hair, stopped me in my tracks. The spirit said that I would go through a deeply challenging time in my life, but would resurface, later in life, with unimaginable joy and fulfillment. That vision stayed with me. In middle school, I would sit quietly at my desk adding up the years to figure out exactly when my life would turn around.

And then I forgot. I got busy, my work and the stress of family life took over and I was completely overwhelmed and in desperate need of a vacation. My husband, daughter and I decided to go to Hawaii.

When the plane landed in Honolulu, I remember feeling the difference in the atmosphere as I disembarked. The air made me somehow, remember that there was a part of me that knew…something…what was it?

Never mind, I was in Hawaii it was time to see the sights! So, I sped off to see Diamond Head, Waikiki Beach and then headed home for an afternoon nap before an evening luau. As I drifted toward sleep, I heard my name being called. In my mind's eye, I saw a beautiful young woman with dark hair, who said her name was Moaahuulikkiaaakea’o Haanaapeekuluueehuehakipuunahe’e—Moa for short.

And then I remembered.


As part of this special promotional extravaganza sponsored by Novel Publicity, the price of the Moa and Statue of Ku eBook editions have both been dropped to just 99 cents this week. What’s more, by purchasing either of these fantastic books at an incredibly low price, you can enter to win many awesome prizes. The prizes include $600 in Amazon gift cards, a Kindle Fire, and 5 autographed copies of each book.

All the info you need to win one of these amazing prizes is RIGHT HERE. Remember, winning is as easy as clicking a button or leaving a blog comment--easy to enter; easy to win!

To win the prizes:
  1. Purchase your copies of Moa and Statue of Ku for just 99 cents
  2. Enter the Rafflecopter contest on Novel Publicity
  3. Visit today’s featured social media event
About Moa: Eighteen-year-old, Hillary, anticipates adventure as she embarks for trip to Honolulu, but gets more than she bargained for when Moa, an ancient Hawaiian spirit, pays her an unexpected visit. Get it on Amazon.

About Statue of Ku: The second book in the Moa Book Series, "The Statue of Ku" follows Hillary and Moa as they jet to Egypt on the Prince’s private plane to reclaim Moa’s family heirloom, the inimitable statue of Ku. Get it on Amazon.

About the author: Tricia Stewart Shiu combines her addiction to the written word with her avid interest in the healing arts and all things metaphysical in her novels Moa and Statue of Ku and looks forward to finding new ways to unite her two loves. Visit Tricia on her website, Twitter, Facebook, or GoodReads.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Book Tour: Beauty's Enchanted Beasts by Jessica Frost

Little Blurb about yourself:

I am an author of paranormal erotic romance, ménage stories and write exclusively for Siren Publishing. I love to read and write obviously, but I also love to cook and paint and ramble about many things that tickle my fancy or boggle my mind.

If you’d like to know more about my books and me, please check out my website and my blog

1. Who or what inspired you to become a writer?

Many things inspired me: My English teacher in senior high, all the fine books I read growing up and still read today, my imagination, and most importantly my muse.

2. How long did it take you to write (“Beauty’s Enchanted Beasts”)?

Hmm, the idea struck me while watching the first episode of “Once Upon a Time”. I love new twists on old stories and one of my favorite fairytales as a child was “Beauty and the Beast”. Then from the premise a story was born. It came quite naturally as did the inspiration of the series.

So it took me only a couple of months to complete the novella.

3. While writing how many times do you go back and rewrite a plot?

The skeleton of the plot is pretty much set up before I even begin writing the story. The details of the plot will alter slightly as the story progresses, though. I tend to tweak these details often to make sure the timeline is consistent and I leave no unresolved threads in my story along the way.

4. You run into a bookstore, where do you go first?

The Horror/ Thriller section first or the Romance section! It depends on my mood that day. I am an avid reader of both genres. I prefer my romance titles to be in ebook format, but I prefer my horror titles in paperback. Somehow seeing the cover in my hands is more effective than seeing it on the screen. I get more eerie chills this way. 

5. How many books in a month do you tend to read?

In ebook format:
I am constantly getting Kindle books, so I’d have to say I start reading four or five a month, but will finish only one or two.

In Paperback:
I’m choosier on these as they cost more, so I’d say I buy one a month, but finish it in two months.

6. In all the books you've read. Who is your most favorite character and why?

Definitely Harry Potter is my most favorite character of all. J.K. Rowlings created perfection with this character. The reason he is such a favorable character with most people is perhaps because of how we can relate to him on so many levels, his klutziness, his feeling of not fitting in, etc. And the fact he suffered so much under his uncle, aunt, and cousin’s abuse, just makes our hearts go out to the poor boy. And we begin to cheer and wish he wins in the end.

7. State 5 random facts about yourself.

1-I am gluten intolerant, something I just found out this year and am having a hard time adapting to my new diet.

2-I have an extreme phobia of moths and butterflies. Whenever I see one up close, I do the funniest icky dance and run away screaming. 

3- The best food ever invented is chocolate! Chocolate is a daily staple for me. If I don’t get my fix, I get cranky. 

4-Before I wanted to be a writer, I wanted to be a doctor, but after a year of studies, I found it wasn’t for me.

5- I am extremely klutzy. ‘Butter fingers’ is too mild a description for my dexterity. 

8. Your favorite Genre?

I don’t have one favorite, but two. Psychological Horror or Thriller and Romance. My dad was a horror buff and he introduced me to Alfred Hitchcock’s work when I was a teen. I was completely hooked and became a fan of Hitchcock then, as well as the genre.

I also started reading romance stories in my teens and fell in love with this genre too. Especially historical romance.

9. What are you currently reading?

I am reading “Book of Shadows” by Alexandra Sokoloff. It is phenomenal and one of the best books I’ve read this year.

10. What is the best book you've read?

It’s a tossup between “Lord of the Rings” and Stephen King’s “The Stand”. Both I read in my early teens and the stories have stayed in my mind ever since. I reread both works a few years ago and the stories had the same effect on me as they did in my teens.

11. Any new projects coming up?

I am working on the fourth installment in my “Spells of Seduction” series, tentatively entitled “True Loves’ Bites”, which involves vampires and unconventional love and sex. The vampires in this story aren’t the stereotypical ones and so their mating rituals obviously reflect this. Their world isn’t black and white, but several shades of grey.

I am bringing back magical characters in the other stories, as well, and it is interesting to see how they interact with the undead heroes and heroine in this tale.

Here’s your chance to market your book. Describe it. And why readers should pick it up?

Well, it is about a feisty and stubborn heroine, Elizabeth Stuart, who hates to be told what she can and cannot do and where she can and cannot go. It’s about a hero, Richard Albert, the Duke of Norfolk, who loves her, even though she sees him as an evil monster. He always seems to say the wrong things around her, which makes her hate him even more. He will do just about anything to protect her from the evil sorceress Pondora who’s out to kill her, even if he has to lose his life to do so.

And it is also about his younger brother, George, who has always been the charismatic charmer who tries to make peace and plays the part of matchmaker between his brother and the beautiful Lady Elizabeth. But the problem is George realizes she is the woman of his sexual dreams and his soul mate along the way and wants to make her his, as well.

A complicated love triangle brews between the heroine and the heroes and their whirlwind emotions of lust and love get them fairly quickly into trouble. Also the deep dark secret George and Richard have hidden in the castle’s dungeon just adds fire to their already highly volatile relationship. If that isn’t enough, Pondora has figured out a way to pass through the castle’s enchantment and is waiting for the perfect time to attack when they least expect her.

If you like mystery, suspense, romance and hot ménage sex scenes, then you will enjoy the story. Also, there is a very interesting character who is first introduced in this story and who is further developed in the second novella “To Catch a Witch”. You will see him in all the stories in the series after that. He will play the strongest and binding role in the series.

He is the biggest charmer and the most complicate hero who will have you scratching your head wondering who he is exactly (for appearances can be deceiving) and what part does he have in the rest of the series.

About the Author:

Jessica Frost has always had a passion for fiction and the written word. Add to that her wild, vivid imagination and her pure romantic tendencies and she soon realized she had the traits needed to become a romance author. She decided to take the very big first step not that long ago and wrote her first erotic romance story. And she has not looked back since. Being a romance writer is a dream come true for her. Having the opportunity to create fantasy worlds where anything and everything can happen is an amazing feeling. She hopes these worlds and the delightful characters she creates will bring hours of enjoyment to her readers as they have done for her.


I often post news about contests on my blog, as I love offering giveaways and prizes to my readers or followers. 


Places to buy the e-book:


Barnes and Noble:


Book Tour - Release Day Blitz : Eversworn by Hailey Edwards

Little Blurb about yourself:

Born in the Deep South, Hailey is a lifelong resident of Alabama. Her husband works for the local sheriff’s department and her daughter is counting down the days until she’s old enough to audition for American Idol. Her dachshund, Black Ilex, helps Hailey write by snoozing in his recliner in her office.

Her desire to explore without leaving the comforts of home fueled her love of reading and writing. Whenever the itch for adventure strikes, Hailey can be found with her nose glued to her Kindle’s screen or squinting at her monitor as she writes her next happily-ever-after.

1. Who or what inspired you to become a writer?

I was looking for a new mystery/crime novel at the library and spotted the cover for Karen Marie Moning’s Darkfever. I was in a rush and grabbed it without reading the blurb (the original cover was red/black with a lamppost or something similar). I devoured it. I went to BAM the next day and bought myself a copy as well as the sequel. After I burned through those, I began reading Karen’s backlist. That’s when I discovered paranormal romance. I never looked back. It had never occurred to me to write a book until I started reading PNR and urban fantasy. I guess the writer in me was waiting on the proper inspiration.

2. How long did it take you to write Eversworn?

I wrote Eversworn in about six weeks. It’s the longest of the three Daughters of Askara novels by quite a bit.

3. While writing how many times do you go back and rewrite a plot?

It depends. When I wrote the second Askara novel, Evermine, I had written up to 60k before I decided I was telling the wrong story. I scrapped it and started over from scratch. With Eversworn, I had a good idea of where the book was headed, and it practically wrote itself.

If I ever reach a point in a book where the characters or story aren’t working—whether it’s 6k or 60k—I’ll cut what doesn’t work and write until I get it right.

4. You run into a bookstore, where do you go first?

The fantasy section! I have to get my fix.

5. How many books in a month do you tend to read?

This varies wildly depending on my workload. In busy months, about four. In slower months (or big release months for my auto-buy authors), up to ten.

6. In all the books you've read. Who is your most favorite character and why?

Hmm. That’s a tough one. Since I’m currently re-reading Moon Called (and I generally don’t re-read books), I’ll go with Mercy Thompson. She is my favorite heroine, hands down. I love Mercy because she’s so down to earth. She’s an average Joe, well, if average Joes were coyote shifters…

7. State 5 random facts about yourself.

1. I’m one of the few people I know who actually love to eat rice cakes.
2. I’m a middle child.
3. I’m addicted to pulled pork and the pursuit of barbeque perfection.
4. I’m a sucker for dachshunds.
5. I can write my name with my toes.

8. Your favorite Genre?


9. What are you currently reading?

I’m re-reading Patricia Brigg’s Moon Called.

10. What is the best book you've read?

I have too many to pick just one. Though I can say the only series I’ve read (and loved) without exception is Kresley Cole’s Immortals After Dark series.

11. Any new projects coming up?

I’m currently working on a novella set in the Araneae Nation world. Then it’s on to my next full-length project—the first book in a brand new series.

Here’s your chance to market your book. Describe it. And why readers should pick it up?

Eversworn is the third novel in the Daughters of Askara series. It focuses on Dillon, an Evanti demon we first met in Everlong, and a Sereian priestess named Isabeau. Eversworn is told from Isabeau’s point of view, and it’s the story of a woman’s mission to rescue her daughter, and her journey toward falling in love with the demon hell-bent to save them both.

Author Bio

Hailey is a wife turned mother turned writer, who loves her husband, her daughter and alone time with her computer. Whenever southern living strikes her as too ordinary, she can be found squinting at her monitor as she writes her next happily-ever-after or with her nose glued to her Kindle’s screen. Wings and/or cupcakes are usually involved…

She loves to hear from readers. Drop her a line.

You can also swing by her blog or subscribe to her newsletter for all her latest news.

Author Links






Book Tour : An Unexpected Baby by Shadonna Richards

Little Blurb about yourself:

1. Who or what inspired you to become a writer?
First of all, thank you for having me as a guest on your wonderful blog! I’ve always been inspired to write from as long as I could remember. As a little girl, I would sit on my bed and pen all these wonderful stories and collect them into booklets. It’s always been my passion and my dream. I love books. I love reading them and writing them.

2. How long did it take you to write An Unexpected Baby?
Because I was working on other projects, this book actually took me a few months on and off to write.

3. While writing how many times do you go back and rewrite a plot?
Very little. I usually create a solid outline to begin with but once I get started, the inspiration takes over and I either stick to the outline or the characters take control.

4. You run into a bookstore, where do you go first?
Oh, to the romance section for sure. I love reading romance novels.

5. How many books in a month do you tend to read?
I’m an avid reader. So I usually read three to four books a month at least.

6. In all the books you've read. Who is your most favorite character and why?
Oh, that’s a difficult one to answer. I have way too many favorites from the classics to the contemporary.

7. State 5 random facts about yourself.
I love my family
Love cooking
Enjoy writing
I’m passionate about reading
I appreciate life everyday

8. Your favorite Genre?
Contemporary Romance.

9. What are you currently reading?
Various romance novels on my Kindle. Some times I go back and forth between books. Also, I’m always reading the Bible.

10. What is the best book you've read?
The Holy Bible

11. Any new projects coming up?
Yes. I’m currently working on my new series, Whirlwind Romance.

Here’s your chance to market your book. Describe it. And why readers should pick it up?

Here’s the setup for An Unexpected Baby

An Unexpected Baby is the much anticipated sequel to the Kindle #1 Bestseller in Humor 'An Unexpected Bride' (The Bride Series) which has sold 45,000 copies in its first eight months of release on

Getting a man is one thing...keeping him is a whole different story!

Recently wed to her hot boss, CEO Evan Fletcher, Emma Wiggins-Fletcher thinks her sizzling hubby is avoiding spending quality time with her...that is until Emma discovers that her pregnancy test is positive.

A baby changes everything. Jetsetter Evan discovers his new wife is pregnant and cancels an important business trip and prepares to rearrange his workaholic life to pamper his newlywed princess. Emma is over the moon about the new special affection from her spouse and her ill grandfather. Gramps has been given six more months to live, and he is so delighted about the baby news, he plans a surprise for the couple.

Too bad her world is turned upside down when she discovers the pregnancy test was false. Emma has been enjoying Evan's renewed attention and he's already shifted his life around to be daddy to their unborn. How could she possibly break the news to her husband and to her ailing grandfather without breaking their hearts? Still, pretending to be pregnant is a whole different story and can only last so long before they find out the truth.

About the Author

Bestselling author Shadonna Richards has a B.A. Degree in Psychology and a Diploma in Nursing. She enjoys reading and writing about the magic of romance and the power of love. She is the author of the non-fiction books, A Gift of Hope and Think & Be Happy: 365 Empowering Thoughts to Lift Your Spirit (an Amazon Kindle #1 Bestseller in Meditation). Winner of Harlequin’s So You Think You Can Write 2010 Day Two Challenge, she is a member of the Romance Writers of America. An Unexpected Bride became a #1 Kindle bestseller in Humor and is her first novel. It has sold over 45,000 copies in its first eight months on Kindle. She’s a proud mommy and wife and lives in Canada with her husband and son.

You can visit her at and join her mailing list for updates, giveaways and news on upcoming releases.


Book Tour - Author Interview : The Vampire, The witch & The Werewolf: A Threesome Wedding Adventure by Louisa Baccio

Little Blurb about yourself:

Quirky, creative writer & busy mom who moonlights as a professor/editor. Loves the paranormal, and believes Love Knows No Bounds.

1. Who or what inspired you to become a writer?

Funny, I’m not sure if I’ve been asked this question before. I was fortunate to always know that I wanted to write. At 7, I remember writing poetry. I started yearbook in junior high, and continued on until then. Friends from high school are not really surprised because – I guess – I always talked about it.

2. How long did it take you to write your book?

I wrote the proposal about a year beforehand, and spent around six months writing it.

3. While writing how many times do you go back and rewrite a plot?

I can rewrite scenes, but not really the plot line. With my new release, A Threesome Wedding Adventure, I actually planned to spend more time in Las Vegas, and that didn’t work out within the main storyline. So that’s something that changed from planning to execution.

4. You run into a bookstore, where do you go first?

Are my kids with me? If so, then the children’s section to appease them. I’ll gaze longingly at YA when we walk by. Then I head to the new releases wall in romance. Always hit the reference books, sale rack, cooking area. Wait … don’t bring me into a bookstore!

5. How many books in a month do you tend to read?

Between two and seven! It all depends upon if I’m on deadline, or teaching a lot, and how long the books are.

6. In all the books you've read. Who is your most favorite character and why?

7. State 5 random facts about yourself.

1) My favorite color is purple.
2) My youngest daughter wants to know why I don’t wear it then.
3) Hooked on the show, “Best Sandwich in America.”
4) Believe in ghosts
5) Southern California native – One of those people who needs to live near the ocean

8. Your favorite Genre?
Paranormal romance.

9. What are you currently reading?
Lethal Rider (Lords of Deliverance) by Larissa Ione. I am enjoying it, but much darker than I remember her last books.

10. What is the best book you've read?

Way too hard to answer; however, I wrote my master’s thesis in English on Stephen King’s Dark Tower series. The interweaving storylines and complexity continues to amaze me.

11. Any new projects coming up?

I’m editing a new paranormal romance that I’m in love with! It’s the first of a new series, and hopefully, it’ll find a home soon.

Here’s your chance to market your book. Describe it. And why readers should pick it up?

By book 3 of this series, my characters have let their hair down a bit, and even more personality has started to come out. Nick took on a more distinct individuality. That said, there are definitely some surprises in store for the reader, which is always a good thing.

About the Author & Where you can find author:

Louisa Bacio enjoys soaking up the sun in Southern California, and spending time with her family.

Bacio’s work includes the Sex University series, with her debut novel Physical Education and the follow-up All-Girls Academy. Her story “Two’s Company” can be found in I Kissed a Girl: A Virgin Lesbian Anthology. Other short stories can be found in the Seducing the Myth anthology, and Rekindled: An Anthology of Reunited Lovers.

In addition to writing and editing, Bacio teaches college courses in English, journalism, film studies and popular culture.



Book Trailer on YouTube: Book 2, Chains of Silver




Tour wide giveaway

Set of Runes and a bat necklace open to US shipping.

If international, a $25 gift card to Amazon or BN.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, June 25, 2012

Whirlwind Tour/Giveaway : Moa & Statue of Ku by Tricia Stewart Shiu

Please enjoy this guest post by Tricia Stewart Shiu, author of the paranormal YA novel with a literary bent Moa. Then read on to learn how you can win huge prizes as part of this blog tour, including $600 in Amazon gift cards, a Kindle Fire, 5 autographed copies of Moa, and 5 autographed copies of its sequel, Statue of Ku.


The Story Behind Moa
by Tricia Stewart Shiu

I've always loved Hawaii and was thrilled when my husband booked a visit for us to see his relatives in Honolulu, Hawaii in October of 2006. We packed light and brought our daughter, who was three-years-old at the time.

Our condo was close to parks and monuments that oozed history. We enjoyed wandering around and indulging in the local cuisine. I even tried poi and liked it!

The morning after we arrived, I rose early to push my daughter’s stroller through the quiet, cool morning air. It felt like such a gift to experience Honolulu before the rest of the island was up.

After a hearty island breakfast, we headed out for a morning at our favorite sandy reprieve, Kuhio Beach. The water was calm and protected by a breakwater. Our daughter enjoyed digging and splashing and my husband and I sat sit nearby without worrying about the strong current.

Afterward, we headed back to our condominium, ate a light lunch, and took a luxurious siesta. Although I'm not usually a mid-day napper, the fresh sea air and sun lulled me into a light sleep—the kind where I felt like I was awake, but I was actually deeply asleep.

I heard a voice say my name and a part of me awoke. I use the word “part” because I could definitely feel my body touching the soft material on the couch. And yet, another part was keenly aware of a young woman with dark hair standing over me. It felt real, but dream-like, so I decided to go with it and ask her her name.

She pronounced a long Hawaiian string of letters, which seemed to go on for minutes. After repeating the name three or four times, she told me to call her “Moa.” Through my exhausted, sleepy haze, I remember being skeptical. If this was, indeed, a dream, I would ask as many questions as possible. So I did.

Why was she here? Where did she come from? How could I be sure she was who she claimed to be?

Instead of any answers, she flashed a mental picture of a woman and said that she was a long lost friend of my husband’s. She told me her name and explained that my husband’s family and she had lost touch 15 years before and had been orbiting around one another trying to reconnect.

I awoke from that nap, slightly groggy. That was an indication that I was definitely asleep. Perhaps it was just my creativity kicking into overdrive, I reasoned, and decided to go on with my day. We walked to a park with my daughter and began playing. Suddenly, there was a squeal and my husband and I turned to see the woman from my dream charging toward us with her arms stretched out wide. As she spoke, I tried to gather my wits. Here was the same woman from my dream, someone I’d only seen a mental picture of, and she was standing on the grass right in front of me.

She and my husband exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch. For the next few hours, I tried to make sense of what happened. I had never had an experience like this before, but there was no denying that I saw a picture in a dream before I met someone and then they showed up in real life.

When I went to sleep that evening, Moa visited again. She answered the other questions I’d asked earlier that afternoon and wanted me to know that I was protected and should share my experience with the world. Since this was definitely my first metaphysical encounter, I had no idea how to form the correct words to share what had happened. How on earth, I asked Moa, am I supposed to convey such undocumented, unsubstantiated, unusual information?

She said that our world exists on many levels which all play simultaneously. Her analogy was of a DVR. Several shows can be playing at the same time but are on different tuners. That, she said, is where she existed.

When I awoke, I began writing and continued to do so. The story evolved into “Moa,” then the sequel, “Statue of Ku.” My daughter, now seven, took the cover photo and illustrated, as well. The photo was taken a few years ago on the North Shore as we played on the beach. The artwork has been compiled over the last two years.

Since my visit with Moa, I began an extensive and sometimes circuitous search to explain my metaphysical experience. I took classes on mediumship, Huna, energy work and through my education, I learned to create healing essential oils and elixir sprays and incorporated that information in the book. Not only did my experience with Moa inspire me and guide me through four-and-a-half of the most challenging years of my life, I also believe that writing about those events and including information I received about that inspiration and guidance, brought my own deep physical, mental, emotional and spiritual transformation and healing. Writing, editing and publishing Moa has opened doors to a new way of understanding myself, those around me and the energy we share.

Whatever your belief or understanding of the metaphysical world, I believe that if one person is transformed through learning, then we are all transformed. I truly believe the Moa I met came through in this work and, just as I connected with her as I wrote, those who read the book will experience her as well.


As part of this special promotional extravaganza sponsored by Novel Publicity, the price of the Moa and Statue of Ku eBook editions have both been dropped to just 99 cents this week. What’s more, by purchasing either of these fantastic books at an incredibly low price, you can enter to win many awesome prizes. The prizes include $600 in Amazon gift cards, a Kindle Fire, and 5 autographed copies of each book.

All the info you need to win one of these amazing prizes is RIGHT HERE. Remember, winning is as easy as clicking a button or leaving a blog comment--easy to enter; easy to win!

To win the prizes:
  1. Purchase your copies of Moa and Statue of Ku for just 99 cents
  2. Enter the Rafflecopter contest on Novel Publicity
  3. Visit today’s featured social media event
About Moa: Eighteen-year-old, Hillary, anticipates adventure as she embarks for trip to Honolulu, but gets more than she bargained for when Moa, an ancient Hawaiian spirit, pays her an unexpected visit. Get it on Amazon.

About Statue of Ku: The second book in the Moa Book Series, "The Statue of Ku" follows Hillary and Moa as they jet to Egypt on the Prince’s private plane to reclaim Moa’s family heirloom, the inimitable statue of Ku. Get it on Amazon.

About the author: Tricia Stewart Shiu combines her addiction to the written word with her avid interest in the healing arts and all things metaphysical in her novels Moa and Statue of Ku and looks forward to finding new ways to unite her two loves. Visit Tricia on her website, Twitter, Facebook, or GoodReads.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What Are You Reading Monday? #60

Books I completed in the last week are:
*Reading a lot of children’s book – I’m going to make a challenge of the titles found in 1001 Children’s Books to Read before I Grow Up (just need help with a button)

Bookmarks are still living in the middle of:
*Reading a lot of children’s book – I’m going to make a challenge of the titles found in 1001 Children’s Books to Read before I Grow Up (just need help with a button)

Cut, Crop & Die by Joanna Campbell Slan (ebook – Kindle)
The Last Boyfriend (The Inn Boonsboro #2) by Nora Roberts (p83)
The Goodbye Quilt by Susan Wiggs (audio) (CD2/4)

Up Next:

Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day George (p70)
Deadly Notions by Elizabeth Lynn Casey (Southern Sewing Circle #4)
The Long Stitch Good Night (An Embroidery Mystery #4) by Amanda Lee
The Scarlet Pepper (A White House Gardner Mystery ##2) by Dorothy St James

Reviews posted this week:

Author Guest Posts/Interviews:

Whirlwind Tour/Giveaway (Novel Publicity): Moa & Statue of Ku by Tricia Stewart Shiu (June 25)
Author Interview & Giveaway(Bewitching BookTours): Heritage Avenged by Marsha A Moore (July 2)
Blog Tour: (Dark Minds )Maid For Pleasure by Lucy Rodgers (Jul 6)
Promo Blitz (Reading Addiction Blog Tours) The Fire of Dawn by V V Aku (July 7)
Cover Reveal Promo(Reading Addiction Blog Tours) Empty Net (Assassins#3) by Toni Aleo (July 9)
Author Interview (Bewitching Book Tours): Big Game by CJ Ellisson (July 9)
Book Tour Promo(Reading Addiction Blog Tours) One Major Mistake by Starr Gardineier Reina (July 10)
Promo Blitz (Reading Addiction Blog Tours) Destiny Unveiled by Laura Deluca (August 1)
Blog Tour - Guest Post/Giveaway(Pump Up Your Books)Anger Mastery: Get Angry, Get Happy by Kevin B Burke (August 7)
Guest Blog:(Pump Up Your Books) Final Approach: Northwest Airlines Flight 650 Tragedy and Triumph by Lyle Prouse (August 20)

Special Blog Hop Giveaways

Freedom Hop
Summer Lovin Giveaway Hop (Co-Hosted by Tifferz Book Review) (July 11 – 17) Winner -

Books still needing to have reviews written (as opposed to the ones that are simply awaiting posting):

January Brings the Snow by Sara Coldridge
Hercubear vs. The Cyclops Rabbit by Lesley Williams (ebook)
Caterpillars Don’t Check Email by Calee M Lee, illustration: Jacob Lee (ebook)
My Friend the Bear by J J Ley (ebook)
Animals At The Zoo – Volume 4 by G Alexander (ebook)
My Lucky Life In And Out of Show Business by Dick Van Dyke (audio)
Airplane Car by Cinda Lee (ebook)
Devil’s Food Cake Murder by Joanna Fluke (Audio)
Gabby: A Story of Courage and Hope by Gabrielle Giffords (audio)
Zapped by Carol Higgins Clark
Fireside (The Lakeshore Chronicles) by Susan Wiggs (Audio)

Giveaways on the blog this week and in coming weeks:

Freebie Friday - Crossings by Danielle Steel (June 15 – June 22) Winner
Freebie Friday – Seabicut: (June 22 – June 29) Winner
Wyoming Statehood Giveaway - Wyoming by Dana Fuller Ross (July 10 – 17) Winner –
New York Statehood Giveaway - Than New York Minute by Abby Gaines (July 26 – 31) Winner –
Montana Statehood Giveaway - Montana Creeds: Dylan by Linda Lael Miller (Nov 11 – 18) Winner -

Giveaways Winners

xFreebie Friday - To Die For by Linda Howard (May 11 – May 18) Winner – Tammy Ramey
xSplash Into Summer Hop (Co-hosted by Page Turners) (May 25 – 31) – Winner – Danielle
Freebie Friday – The Skies of Pern by Anne McCaffery (May 25 – June 1) Winner - Beverly Couzens Archer
Freebie Friday – Fine Things by Danielle Steel (June 8 – June 15) Winner –

In My Mailbox (3)

I haven’t won anything lately, but I do keep entering, so we will see maybe my luck will change soon. Hope all of you have been lucky enough to win.

For Review:
The Divorce Girl by Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg (via author for Book Tour/Review with WOW) in July

What I Bought:
Our local Library Quarterly paperback sale (4/$2) brought the following:
Her Montana Christmas Groom by Teresa Southwick (to be used for Holiday Hops)
That New York Minute by Abby Gaines (to be used for NY Statehood giveaway)
Arizona by Dana Fuller Ross (to be used for Arizona Statehood giveaway)
Montana Creeds: Dylan by Linda Lael Miller (to be used for Montana Statehood giveaway)
The Army Ranger’s Return by Soraya Lane (to be used for Veteran’s Day giveaway)
Soldier on Her Doorstep by Soraya Lane (to be used for Veteran’s Day Giveaway)
The Matchmakers by Debbie Macomber
Wyoming Brides by Debbie Macomber
Fairy Tale Weddings by Debbie Macomber
Collateral Damage by Fern Michaels (to help fill in the Sisterhood series)
Vanishing Act by Fern Michaels (to help fill in the Sisterhood series)

Amazon Freebies
Stuck On You by Christine Wenger (Contemporary Romance)
Leon Chameleon PI and the Case of The Kidnapped Mouse by Janet Hurst-Nicholson (Children’s)
Little Library Mouse by Stephanie Lisa Tara (Children’s)
Get Bunny Love by Kathleen Long (Romantic Comedy)
Get Organized! Your 12 Month Home Clutter Killer Guide by Colette Leigh
Tip of the Toes by Lily Lexington (Children’s)
Aldo Tanners! Where are Your Manners?! by Drew Blank (Children’s)
The Billionaire’s Secrets by Meadow Taylor (Romance)
High-Heeled Killers by Kate Cornwell (Mystery)
Creative Chaos by Kate Lynch
Death of the Couch Potato’s Wife by Christy Barritt (Cozy Mystery)
The Last Name Banks by Lacy Camey (Inspirational Contemporary)

Book Tour - Author Interview (Bewitching Book tours): Solstice by Donna Burgess

Little Blurb about yourself:

Hi. My name is Donna Burgess and I’m here to talk a little about writing and my newest novel Solstice, which is an apocalyptic/ zombie tale set in Europe. So far, it’s gotten a great response, so I hope everyone here will at least grab a sample over at Amazon (or where ever ebooks are sold) and check it out.

1. Who or what inspired you to become a writer?

I’ve always been a huge fan of horror movies, horror comics and anything else I could get my little hands on that would scare me. When I didn’t have anything interesting to read or watch, I started making up stories. Once I was old enough to write, I began writing everything down. Most of it was pretty wretched, but it was “writing” :-D

2. How long did it take you to write Solstice?

A year, from the first little flash of inspiration to the final proof. I really hope to get faster with the process. An independent author can’t rely on only one release a year to survive.

3. While writing how many times do you go back and rewrite a plot?

I had most of the main storyline in my head from the get-go. Because it took so long finish the book (I’m also a student), I did have to go back and correct things I’d forgotten or changed. That’s where my awesome editor, Lynn O’Dell came in. She has an eagle eye for inconsistencies in the storyline.

4. You run into a bookstore, where do you go first?

Horror! Of course, most chains don’t have “horror” any more, so fantasy or science fiction. I seem to be enjoying more YA lately, too. My daughter has turned me onto some of those titles.

5. How many books in a month do you tend to read?

Only one or two. I do read a lot of short stories, however.

6. In all the books you've read. Who is your most favorite character and why?

Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird. She reminded me of myself when I was a kid. A little tomboy. I also loved Jay Gatsby, but that was because I imagined Robert Redford the entire time I was reading the book!

7. State 5 random facts about yourself.

I play in an adult soccer league (and I’m the oldest woman on the team!)
I learned to surf when I was 36 years old.
I paint.
I own eleven cats.
I’m a Star Wars geek.

8. Your favorite Genre?


9. What are you currently reading?

I’m actually reading several books now. The main one is The Drowning Girl by Caitlin R. Kiernan.

10. What is the best book you've read?

Well, I don’t know if it’s the best book I’ve read, but I one of the more recent really good reads was Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger. I also just finished Life as We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer. Those were (for me) two of those rare books that you can’t wait to get back to and see what’s going to happen next.

11. Any new projects coming up?

I’m working a YA zombie novel. After that, I have a paranormal/ ghost novel set in early 1970s South Carolina.

Here’s your chance to market your book. Describe it. And why readers should pick it up?

Solstice is a horror novel, but I believe the heart of the book is the characters. I’ve had a lot of very positive feedback regarding my characters. The novel has good scares, plenty of dark and dangerous situations and main characters that you can root for. Also, it doesn’t always go the way the reader expects.

By Donna Burgess


On the eve of winter Solstice, a massive flash envelopes the Earth and then there is nothing. The sun no longer shines and civilization is plunged into unending darkness. Those exposed to the mysterious flash have changed—they have become bloodthirsty, cunning, and determined to devour anyone who is not infected. They are Ragers.

In Sweden, a group of uneasy travelers hears a broken broadcast. There is hope. Something called Sanctuary waits, but it is thousands of miles away, somewhere on the shores of the British Isles.

Meanwhile, in a London supermarket, a high school English teacher from the States finds himself stranded along with a handful of students on a senior trip. Outside, hoards of hungry Ragers await, ready to tear them limb from limb. Their only hope is to find Sanctuary.

Solstice is a tale of hope, terror, survival, and finding love at the end of the World.

Author Bio

Donna Burgess lives with her husband, daughter, son, many cats and one goofy Golden Retriever in Pawleys Island, South Carolina. When she is not writing, she can be found on her longboard, behind a good book or on the soccer field. She is the president of E-Volve Books. She holds a B.A. in English and a B.A. in Journalism and is currently pursuing her M.F.A. in Creative Writing.





Book Trailer on YouTube:


Friday, June 22, 2012

Book Blitz (Bewitching Book Tours): Shadows of Kings by Jack Whitsel

by Jack Whitsel

Steel and sorcery clash as the Harhn incursion sweeps through the Hugue. Mankind faces its greatest peril without the Order Knights of legend to defend them. Crusading deep in the frontier, the Order is unaware of the savage beasts threatening their homeland as the Hugue realms muster their armies for war.

Between a cunning Harhn sorcerer, and an alliance forged with the decadent Darkfey, the horde threatens to extinguish the domains of men. Only Lord Baudouin and Lady Lucia, a Dragon Maiden from the Order, stand in the enemy’s path. One must find the strength to unify the realms. The other must discover the strength within her, while coming to terms with the agendas of her Order. But only together will there be any hope to repel the onslaught, and preserve the future for a mysterious girl they do not know.

Chapter excerpt:

Guest Blog by Jack Whitsel, author of SHADOWS OF KINGS

As my release date approached, I was bombarded by questions about I how I felt. I had always answered with the usual…I’m nervous, I’m excited, blah, blah, blah. But if truth be told, the emotion that overshadows them all is gratitude. Maybe it’s because this is my first novel, or perhaps I wasn’t expecting Shadows of Kings to get noticed as quickly as it did, despite my faith in its quality. But for whatever reason, I am consumed with gratitude – not only for being published, but for the many souls who have supported me during this journey. So this blog…instead of being about ME, is designed to help YOU- the aspiring writer. This article is an amalgamation of snippets from prior articles that focus on some of the philosophies and tricks of the trade I’ve embraced. So let’s get to work.

There is one notion I express to all aspiring authors I talk to: There is a story within all of us. Granted, having it come to life can be a little tricky, but the emphasis should be the DOING! What is DOING? Sitting down and committing yourself to putting thoughts on paper. The victory is building a routine that keeps you consistently in front of your notebook, laptop, typewriter, or 3-ring binder on a daily basis. If you're just beginning, start small, and don't punish yourself if you fall short of a goal. Just pick it up the following day and move forward.

Another key toward my writing is what I expressed earlier…gratitude. I've been humbled by the attention and interest so many have expressed. The process from scribbling my imagination on paper to having it committed to print is a long one. As exciting as the journey is, having Shadows of Kings go through the Publishing process while continuing to write can be an arduous affair. All of the wonderful sentiments from my supporters and fans have calmed the storm and revitalized my resolve. Remember to express your gratitude, for the universe will always pay it forward.

As you write, cast aside agents, critics, and publishers. But once finished, let your work be seen. And don’t be derailed by rejection. In the end...we are our worst critics. It's somewhat akin to hearing a recorded sound of your own voice. We always cringe when we hear ourselves played back, but this is the sound that everyone around us hears. Think of your writing in that light. You will find the perception of others to be quite different from the "cringe" you are feeling.

With that said…I’m open to any questions you may have about the writing process or my novel in particular.

Oceans of Love,

Author Bio:

Jack Whitsel is a native Californian, but has made Oregon his home since 1982. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree of Finance from Portland State University, but studies medieval history in his spare time. His favorite genres are fantasy and historical fiction with a medieval emphasis. Shadows of Kings, the first novel of the Dragon Rising Series is the love child born of these two passions.

“I love the elements of fantasy when mixed with the gritty aspects of a medieval society,” states the author.



Facebook fanpage:


Purchase info:

Title: Shadows of Kings
Author: Jack Whitsel
Author web site:
Publisher: Twilight Times Books
Genre: Fantasy
Print ISBN: 978-1-60619-223-8
Format: trade paperback
Distributors: Brodart, Follett, Ingram

eBook ISBN: 978-1-60619-222-1
Format: ebook in pdf, ePub, Kindle, Mobi, PRC, etc.

Distributors: Amazon Kindle; Apple iBookstore; Nook; eReader; Fictionwise; Kobo Books; OmniLit; Sony eBookstore, etc.

Book Blitz - Author Interview (Bewitching Book Tours): Destiny Bewitched by Leia Shaw

Little Blurb about yourself: Leia Shaw

I began my writing journey while I was stranded at the airport waiting for my delayed flight. I browsed the Border’s kiosk and grew frustrated that I couldn’t find the “it factor” — the perfect combination of alpha male-ness, ass-kickery, strong females, magic, and sex.

So I spent the next four hours on an airplane writing my first book on scraps of paper and an airsick bag (which thankfully I didn't need to use).
Now I spend too much time in my head, plotting evil villains and the hot men (and women) who ruthlessly kill them. I think far too much about fae politics, dragon power games, and how fast werewolves can change forms. But writing my paranormal romance series has given me a productive place to express those dark places in my mind.
I live in New England with my husband and two kids. Though I will go to my grave denying it, my husband insists I would be thrilled if he suddenly sprouted fangs.

1. Who or what inspired you to become a writer?

I’ve always been a writer, ever since I wrote my first story in 1st grade called “Motorcycle Grandma.” Both my mom and grandma encouraged me.

2. How long did it take you to write Destiny Bewitched?

It took be about four months.

3. While writing how many times do you go back and rewrite a plot?

With my first couple books, it was often. Now I’m getting to the point where I get it almost right the first time. That being said, a manuscript still needs lots of revisions. After a rough draft, I go through it at least three times before it’s ready for the editor.

4. You run into a bookstore, where do you go first?

Romance of course!

5. How many books in a month do you tend to read?

Depends on where I am in my writing. Near a deadline, hardly any. When I’m taking a break, I can read a book a day. It’s usually somewhere in the middle. Two a week perhaps?

6. In all the books you've read. Who is your most favorite character and why?

Kate Daniels from Ilona Andrew’s Urban Fantasy series. She’s kick-ass, smart, funny, but also kind and loyal.

7. State 5 random facts about yourself.

1) I have 6 tattoos 2) I play the cello 3) I’m a chocoholic 4) Fall is my favorite season 5) I have two adorable and hilarious kids

8. Your favorite Genre?

Paranormal romance of course!

9. What are you currently reading?

Right now I’m reading through the Discworld Novels by Terry Pratchett

10. What is the best book you've read?

Everyone asks that and it’s such a hard question! I have to pick Matilda by Roald Dahl because it’s a classic and my favorite book when I was a child. Roald Dahl is the author that pulled me into reading.

11. Any new projects coming up?

Yes! The 5th book in my paranormal romance series, Shadows of Destiny, will release some time this winter. It’s called Destiny Forgiven and features a side character we met in book 1, Destiny Divided. Maddox, a fun-loving, goofy sorcerer has been missing for two years. Felicity, his childhood sweetheart finds him in the most unlikely place – as head of the prison where she’s confined. Destiny Forgiven will be a darker, more emotional tale than the high fantasy, fun book Destiny Bewitched. But it’ll still have the humor, heart, and steamy sex readers have come to expect from my books!

My contemporary erotic romance, 31 Flavors of Kink, releases July 3rd in e-book format. It’s based on a true story and very funny, heart-warming, and hot!

Here’s your chance to market your book. Describe it. And why readers should pick it up?

Destiny Bewitched is a paranormal romance that will make you smile, sigh, maybe cry, definitely laugh, and make you fall in love with a dangerous but tender demon and feisty but vulnerable witch.

Destiny Bewitched


Deemed “trailer trash” by humans and the daughter of the most disgraceful family of witches and warlocks since the Puritan age, Samantha is used to fighting her own battles. When her younger sister is taken to the Underworld, Sam doesn't hesitate to rescue her.

To survive the harsh land, she makes a deal with a demon — the most dangerous of creatures in the realm.

Even with those lustrous horns, Geo is as hot as the hell she's stuck in. Fighting nasty beasts in a supernatural version of the gladiator games is easy compared to falling in love with a man who has no future to offer.

Author bio:

I began my writing journey while I was stranded at the airport waiting for my delayed flight. I browsed the Border’s kiosk and grew frustrated that I couldn’t find the “it factor” — the perfect combination of alpha male-ness, ass-kickery, strong females, magic, and sex.

So I spent the next four hours on an airplane writing my first book on scraps of paper and an airsick bag (which thankfully I didn't need to use).

Now I spend too much time in my head, plotting evil villains and the hot men (and women) who ruthlessly kill them. I think far too much about fae politics, dragon power games, and how fast werewolves can change forms. But writing my paranormal romance series has given me a productive place to express those dark places in my mind.

I live in New England with my husband and two kids. Though I will go to my grave denying it, my husband insists I would be thrilled if he suddenly sprouted fangs.






Twitter: @LeiaShaw

Freebie Friday - Seabiscuit: An American Legend by Laura Hilldenbrand (US Only - ends 6/29)


Seabiscuit was one of the most electrifying and popular attractions in sports history and the single biggest newsmaker in the world in 1938, receiving more coverage than FDR, Hitler, or Mussolini. But his success was a surprise to the racing establishment, which had written off the crooked-legged racehorse with the sad tail. Three men changed Seabiscuit’s fortunes:

Charles Howard was a onetime bicycle repairman who introduced the automobile to the western United States and became an overnight millionaire. When he needed a trainer for his new racehorses, he hired Tom Smith, a mysterious mustang breaker from the Colorado plains. Smith urged Howard to buy Seabiscuit for a bargain-basement price, then hired as his jockey Red Pollard, a failed boxer who was blind in one eye, half-crippled, and prone to quoting passages from Ralph Waldo Emerson. Over four years, these unlikely partners survived a phenomenal run of bad fortune, conspiracy, and severe injury to transform Seabiscuit from a neurotic, pathologically indolent also-ran into an American sports icon.

Author Laura Hillenbrand brilliantly re-creates a universal underdog story, one that proves life is a horse race.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Book Tour - Author Interview(Bewitching Book Tour): Saint Sanguinis by Julia Phillips Smith

Little Blurb about yourself:

Award-winning filmmaker and author Julia Phillips Smith lives on Canada’s east coast with her husband and her mom, where the rugged sea and misty forests feed her thirst for gothic tales.
A graduate of Ryerson University’s film program, Julia’s previous writing credits include scripts for radio and television.

1. Who or what inspired you to become a writer?

Like most writers, I already considered myself to be one from childhood. I even had a Little House on the Prairie-esque ‘novel’ I’d written when I was in grade five, also illustrated by yours truly. It only made it to a single copy written in pencil in my school notebooks.

I’ve been compelled to tell stories and was encouraged to do so by my family and teachers.

2. How long did it take you to write SAINT SANGUINUS?

It took several years. It began as Peredur’s story as I followed the 6th century Welsh warrior for my first NaNoWriMo. I set that storyline aside for awhile as I worked on another manuscript, returning to it the following year during NaNoWriMo when I followed his beloved’s story. I wrote from Tanwen the chieftain’s daughter’s point of view, and I found this intense submersion into each POV to be really liberating.

The biggest challenge was then uniting the two storylines into one narrative.

3. While writing how many times do you go back and rewrite a plot?

So far I’ve never had to completely scrap an entire plot. Make changes to sequences that aren’t working, yes.

4. You run into a bookstore, where do you go first?

That depends entirely upon my obsession du jour.

If I’m focused on writing sword-fighting sequences, I might head for the section where I can find visual reference books on weaponry.

5. How many books in a month do you tend to read?

Not too many. I’m so busy writing and doing everything else, I only read during my lunch break at work or waiting for the bus. Of course, I mainly catch up on sleep when I’m on the bus, so you see where my reading time goes.

6. In all the books you've read, who is your most favorite character and why?

The Marquess of Rothgar from the Malloren novels by Jo Beverley. He drips with James Bondian cool, but dresses like the Scarlet Pimpernel. Sweet.

7. State 5 random facts about yourself.

1 – I have a Russian phrasebook in my purse, because I’m teaching myself to speak Russian.

2 – I’m a passionate balletomane with a lifetime goal to see as many of the great ballet companies in their home venues as possible.

3 – I sing alto in choir and have had the great luck to sing Mozart’s Requiem, Orff’s Carmina Burana and Vivaldi’s Gloria in concert with orchestra.

4 – I follow the lead of Twin Peak’s Special Agent Dale Cooper and Supernatural’s Dean Winchester when it comes to diners, cups of coffee, shots of whisky and slices of pie.

5 – I’m looking forward to our yearly writers’ retreat in the fall. I know it’s only three days, but for all of us who have been attending it for nearly a decade, it’s pretty much the highlight of our year.

8. Your favorite Genre?

Dark fantasy, horror, historical fiction, dark historical romance

9. What are you currently reading?

BE MY PRINCE by Julianne MacLean, where royal matchmaking can make or break kingdoms as well as hearts.

10. What is the best book you've read?

I would have to say ON THE ROAD by Jack Kerouac.

11. Any new projects coming up?

I’ve just released BOUND BY DRAGONSFYRE, a dark fantasy that follows a young falconer’s apprentice as he stays one step ahead of deadly palace intrigue.

You can check out the book trailer here:

Here’s your chance to market your book. Describe it. And why readers should pick it up?

As says, “If you’re a fan of smiley, sunshine and rainbow vampires, this book may not be for you. These vampires are vicious and live for blood.”

In SAINT SANGUINUS, I return to the roots of vampire lore while taking my main character into superhero-origin-story territory:

An elite brotherhood stands between humans and vampires, preventing one side from annihilating the other. Who are called to this service? Only those warriors who curse God with their dying breath.
Welsh warrior Peredur falls to a spear before he can claim Tanwen for his bride. Raging on the battlefield, Peredur utters the curse that seals his fate and leads him to another life. Using the power of a saint whose bone makes up an amulet, Peredur takes on the trials to become a true member of the brethren. Yet his need for the chieftain’s daughter Tanwen still burns.
Tanwen resists her father’s command to take a husband. The only one who understands her sorrow is Cavan, the wise woman’s son. When he promises that he can reunite her with her beloved, she agrees to his terms. But does Tanwen truly understand the depth of the price that must be paid?

Where you can find author Julia Phillips Smith:


Twitter: tp://!/apieceofmymind

Book Trailer on YouTube:

Award winning book trailer – Best Shorts Competition, La Jolla CA, May 1st
Also awarded by -- The Accolade Competition, USA, Jun 18th



Blog: A Piece of My Mind -


Book Tour - Author Interview (Bewitching Book Tour): Curse of the Wolf by Danica Winters

1. What was the inspiration behind your novel, Curse of the Wolf?
I am a Wikipedia addict. Call me a nerd, but when I have down time I like to surf around their site launching from one idea to the next. One day while I was researching mythologies, I ran across an image of a Veela, a creature similar to a nymph with one large exception—if a Veela falls in love with a mortal man, the man is fated to die a tragic death. Forbidden love? There is no better premise for a great romance.

2. You have some really interesting character names in this book. Where did you get these names?

When writing this book I was reading an English Anthology (a course book from an old college class). I ran upon Sir Edmund Spenser’s epic poem, The Faerie Queen. From its allegorical form I borrowed the name Una and added Sachlich (translated to something like One Objective) to optimize the cruelty of the character. Archimago also came from this book as the perfect antagonist.
Baldur and Hodur came from a Norse myth about two brothers along with their father Odin.

3. What other works did you look to when creating this book?

It might sound strange, but I also read and re-read Madame Butterfly for inspiration (and I loved listening to Andrea Bocelli while working). The tragedy of this opera was something I wanted to emulate in my work (while also keeping it a true romance novel).

4. What is the significance of the butterfly on your cover?
Initially Curse of the Wolf was entitled, Mending Butterfly Wings but it was decided this was too much of a literary title and didn’t help readers to know what they were to expect when reading the novel. As for the butterfly, it is a figurative and metaphorical representation of the main character, Gloriana Canis, and her journey.

5. How would you describe the way you work as a writer?
I have two small children who keep me occupied with their constant pleading for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and mac and cheese. Yes, I do attempt to feed my kids healthier foods, but kids will be kids. I am always trying to squeeze in a little writing whenever I get the chance. Each day I set myself a goal to write at least a thousand words—which often means I’m awake until the wee hours of the morning.

6. What writing advice was most beneficial to you?
I’m lucky enough to work with a group of other published authors who have greatly increased the quality of my writing (I was not an English Major). They are always sharing tidbits of knowledge such as never use adverbs (see greatly above). The best advice I have received comes from many glasses of wine and a great deal of laughter. To quote from Disney’s, Finding Nemo, “Just keep swimming.” You will have bad and good days, you will receive great reviews and poor reviews, but you must keep pursuing your dream.

7. You are a traditionally published author. Any thoughts on the divide between independent publishing and traditional publishing?

This is a tough question. I think there is merit in both paths. For the first time in publishing we, as artists, have been given a bit of power as to how our work is presented to the world. I love my publishers and am honored to work with such great teams of people who help to bring my visions to life, but I know other authors who have had mixed feelings when it came to working with the traditional publishing world.

I think that it comes down to the type of person and writer that you are. If you like to work with a team so that you can concentrate on the creative aspects of writing then by all means strive for traditionally publishing, but if you are a person who is incredibly self-motivated and who enjoys, and has the time to pursue, the business side of publishing, then indie publication may be a good fit.

Thank you for your time. I enjoyed sharing more about this book. Happy Reading!
-Danica Winters

Author Bio:
Danica Winters is an Amazon best-selling romance author based in Montana. She is known for writing award-winning books that grip readers with their ability to drive emotion through suspense and often a touch of magic. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Montana Romance Writers, and Greater Seattle Romance Writers. She is a contributor to magazines, websites, and news organizations. She enjoys spending time with friends and family, the outdoors, and the bliss brought by the printed word.

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