
Monday, August 6, 2012

Author Interview/Giveaway: Revamp by Beck Sherman

1. Who or what inspired you to become a writer?

I think I’m meant to be a writer, as weird as that may sound to some people. It’s like, when you know, you know. Writing has always been a part of me. As far as the inspiration to write professionally, the idea of creating worlds that people can fall into, become terrified by, and maybe, at times, not want to leave, that was always the draw card for me.

2. How long did it take you to write Revamp?

Revamp took about seven years to write, on and off, with real-life bits happening in between.

3. While writing how many times do you go back and rewrite a plot?

There are a couple intertwining plots in Revamp, but I never had to go back and rewrite any of them. I did remove some scenes for the sake of pace. Revamp bullets the reader through a vampire apocalypse and each scene is a section of rollercoaster, delivering ups and downs, with no stops until the end.

4. You run into a bookstore, where do you go first?

Oh, I miss Borders! I absolutely loved how Borders had a separate section for horror. Monsters, decapitations, haunted houses, serial killers, and gore galore all in one place. What more could a horror lover ask for? Now, I mostly peruse for the telltale covers.

5. How many books in a month do you tend to read?

Anywhere from three to five. It depends, I love epic books. I want to know the characters until I could mistake them for my friends. I want to be so wrapped up in the plot that what they desire, I desire. I want to be invested to the point that finishing the book is the last thing I want to do, because it’ll be like saying goodbye to a great adventure. For me, those books tend to be the longer ones.

6. In all the books you've read. Who is your most favorite character and why?

Rob Fleming from High Fidelity. He’s so flawed, but he’s relatable and endearing, and I like that he makes top-ten and top-five lists to deal with life and that music is his world and his sheer knowledge of it is incredible.

7. State 5 random facts about yourself.

I used to be a DJ. I prefer to eat my food separately as opposed to all mixed together. My favorite movie quote is: “You’re gonna need a bigger boat.” I once tried to drink a gallon of milk on a dare, but failed and got very sick. All of my socks have holes in them.

8. Your favorite Genre?

You haven’t guessed by now?

9. What are you currently reading?

I’m actually re-reading It by Stephen King. I love going back to a book after many years and enjoying it all over again.

10. What is the best book you've read?

The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It’s a book with all the necessary elements: great writing, strong characters, action, and cannibals.

11. Any new projects coming up?

I do have another book finished, which will be released some time next year. It’s not a vampire novel.

Here’s your chance to market your book. Describe it. And why readers should pick it up?

Revamp is a story of revenge, patriotism, and love and the heroes and monsters they make of us all.

Why should readers pick it up? Two reasons:

1. Revamp can be used as an instruction manual in case of a vampire apocalypse.

2. Consider this: you’re 90 and you wake up in your bed in a cold sweat. Something’s missing in your life. Is it that you never went to prom? No. Should you have taken that job in Cleveland, when you were young and sprightly and the world was your oyster? No. Should you have read Revamp when you had the chance? Yes and now all great books have been outlawed by the government. So spare yourself the heartache and the what-ifs and read Revamp today.

Author Bio

Beck Sherman was born and raised in Massachusetts, studied undergrad at Syracuse University, has a master’s degree in photojournalism from the University of Westminster, London, and when not writing, enjoys exploring abandoned insane asylums and photo-documenting the things that go bump in the night, when they’re kind enough to pose.



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  1. I would love to read this book. It sounds very good. Thanks for the giveaway.

  2. If there is anything I would hate more than turning 90, having a trillion liver spots AND realizing I'd passed up the chance to read Revamp, I don't want to know what that could possibly be! lol

    Thank you for the sweet giveaway/intervention, and Kudos to Beck for this sincerely awesome new book! <3

    Mary DeBorde M.A.D.
    zenrei57 (at) hotmail dot com


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