
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Author Interview: My Little Texas Tornado by Ruby Vines

My Little Texas Tornado
Ruby Vines

Genre: Contemporary Cowboy Romance (Sensual)

Publisher: Grapevine Press

Word Count: 69,000 words

Cover Artist: Erin Dameron-Hill

Amazon Barnes and Noble

Little Blurb about yourself: I live in the deep South with my husband and three children. I write under three pen names; Ruby Vines, contemporary romance and romantic suspense; Alisha Paige, paranormal, fantasy and vintage romance; and Wolfgang Pie, children’s literature. I love to bend genres and read as many different genres as I can just as I listen to all types of music. I love variety and mixing it all up. Things I love are wine, chocolate, kitty cats, puppy dogs, beautiful fish, plants, the sound of my children laughing, rainy nights, all four seasons, hazelnut coffee and a great book!

1. Who or what inspired you to become a writer?

I’ve always written since I was a child. I guess storytelling has always been a part of my life. When I was a sophomore in high school, a favorite English teacher pulled me aside and told me I had a spark. She encouraged me to write and follow my dreams and at the time I had no idea I’d one day be published. I’ll never forget her. She was instrumental in inspiring me.

2. How long did it take you to write (title of book you're promoting)?

Actually, I started this book several years ago, back in 2008. I wrote half of it and set it aside to write other books. I always loved this story so I finally went back to it and finished it in late 2012. It took me probably 3 or 4 months total to write it.

3. While writing how many times do you go back and rewrite a plot? Rarely. I write by the seat of my pants. I will go back and fill in holes my editor finds but I almost never do major rewrites on the plot.

4. You run into a bookstore, where do you go first? The romance section or the children’s book section with my children. The love to check out the books and I’ll sit in there and read my books too. I do go to the biography section too. I’m fascinated by other people’s lives.

5. How many books in a month do you tend to read? I don’t read as much as I used to mostly because I have three children and just don’t have the time. Most of my time is used writing and promoting my own books. I read one or two long novels and a few novellas per month.

6. In all the books you've read. Who is your most favorite character and why? Amber in Forever Amber by Kathleen Winsor because she is real, like all of us and very flawed. She has all the hopes and dreams we all do but Winsor portrayed her in all her selfishness, all her insecurities and all her good qualities too. What an amazing character study.

7. State 5 random facts about yourself.I love the biography channel. I love to watch documentaries on the drug underworld. I adore sushi. I love working out in the pool more than any other kind of exercise. My cat jumps on my back and stands there the entire time I brush my teeth.

8. Your favorite Genre? Historical fiction.

9. What are you currently reading?The Lucky Ones by Anna Godbersen

10. What is the best book you've read? Amber Forever by Kathleen Winsor

11. Any new projects coming up? Lots of them. I’m working on the sequel to My Little Texas Tornado. I’m in edits of my fantasy children’s novel, Hunting for Fireflies by my kid lit pen name, Wolfgang Pie. I’m working on Circle City II, the 2nd installment of the ultra dark paranormal series by Alisha Paige, my pen name for my paranormal romance books.

Here’s your chance to market your book. Describe it. And why readers should pick it up?

Colt Daniels is a Texas rancher known for his award winning steaks. The king rancher has known his good neighbor and vintner, Mr. Moon for years. In fact, he recommends the Moon Wines as the ideal label paired with his mouth watering steaks. When Mr. Moon dies and leaves the vineyard to his long lost niece, Savannah Moon, Colt offers to show her the ropes since the California girl is clueless, not only about Texas but about wine. Even his Southern Charm is lost on the snob who doesn't even have the decency to thank him for saving her life her first day in town. Thing is, he ain't cut out to train someone he can't stand, even if Mr. Moon was like a grandfather to him. But there's no denying it, the Moons know how to grow ' and women. Savannah isn't a woman he can easily forget. Bitchy or not, he finds reasons to teach her about grapes, among other things. And while he's finding reasons to stomp the grapes with his new neighbor, a plan is brewing to bring the wine heiress down.

If you love the back and forth flirting, undeniable sparks of a hot alpha male and a strong woman who says she won’t be controlled, you’ll enjoy this book. I’m married to an alpha male and while he drives me insane with his need to be the one in charge, I can’t deny that it turns me on. I don’t like weak men who are too nice, if you know what I mean.

Book Description:

Colt Daniels is a Texas rancher known for his award winning steaks. The king rancher has known his good neighbor and vintner, Mr. Moon for years. In fact, he recommends the Moon Wines as the ideal label paired with his mouth watering steaks. When Mr. Moon dies and leaves the vineyard to his long lost niece, Savannah Moon, Colt offers to show her the ropes since the California girl is clueless, not only about Texas but about wine. Even his Southern Charm is lost on the snob who doesn't even have the decency to thank him for saving her life her first day in town.

Thing is, he ain't cut out to train someone he can't stand, even if Mr. Moon was like a grandfather to him. But there's no denying it, the Moons know how to grow ' and women. Savannah isn't a woman he can easily forget. Bitchy or not, he finds reasons to teach her about grapes, among other things. And while he's finding reasons to stomp the grapes with his new neighbor, a plan is brewing to bring the wine heiress down.

About the Author:

Ruby Vines (AKA Alisha Paige) was born and raised in the South.

Her debut novel, Canyon Wolf Bride, published under the pen name, Alisha Paige, was awarded Reviewer Top Pick Award and nominated as best Ebook Paranormal Romance by Night Owl Romance Reviews for the 2007 Fall NOR Awards, and awarded Recommended Read by My Book Cravings Reviews.

Ruby loves to mingle real history and true life events within her romance novels and enjoys people watching and people listening when creating new characters and blending genres. She writes dark paranormal romance, fantasy romance, time travel romance and vintage romance under the pen name, Alisha Paige. All of contemporary romance titles are written under the pen name, Ruby Vines.

Ruby writes on her red porch while her kids play in the water sprinkler. She loves to read at the park, the beach in the summer, by the fire in the winter and in bed when it rains.

Her favorite things in life are the sound of her children laughing, her kitty cat curled at her feet, girls’ night out, hazelnut coffee, candle light, thunderstorms, good books, nostalgic music, dark chocolate and red wine.

You can visit her online at, tweet with her at @Alishawriter and email her at where she loves to answer every single email from her wonderful readers.



Twitter: @Alishawriter



1 comment:

  1. Thanks for having me on your wonderful blog! ~ Ruby Vines


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