Review-a-Thon Details:
Reviews can be of the written variety or in video format.
This event is not limited to book reviews. If you write/vlog reviews for movies, super cool gadgets, or anything else, you are welcome to participate.
To participate, create a post on your blog with a list of reviews you need to complete. Don’t forget to grab the official blurb (above) and event button (grab code below). If you don’t have a blog, you can announce your intent to participate via social media (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.) with a link back to this sign up post so others can join in as well.
Add the DIRECT LINK to your sign up post to the linky found at the end of this post. The sign up linky will be open until 11:55 pm PDT on July 26th.
On July 26th, get working on those reviews!
There will be a wrap-up post linky here on The Book Vixen on July 28th.
Good luck and thanks for participating!
ReplyDeleteThis is my first time participating -- I'm looking forward to it!
ReplyDeleteJoy's Book Blog