Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Book Blitz/#Giveaway : Parasite (The Domino Project #3) by K.T. Hanna

Parasite (The Domino Project #3)

by K.T. Hanna

Release Date: February 22nd 2016

Amaranthine Press

Summary from Goodreads:

With the Damascus closing in on the Exiled, Sai and Dom must put their grief and inner demons aside as they rush to free the people of the Protected Conglomerate from the influence of the psionic grid. 

Chipped and placed under house arrest with a guard, Bastian's only hope lies in reaching his core to disrupt Deign's ruthless plan. 

Intent on putting a stop to the Damascus and the GNW's reign, Dom discovers the true extent of the parasite within. Just when Sai thinks the Exiled have a chance, their greatest weapon turns on them.

Previous books in the series (clink on image for Goodreads link):

celebrate Parasite’s release, Chameleon and Hybrid are on sale for


Pieces of Iota’s devastation spread like breadcrumbs around its site. Flames still cling to odd
pieces of cargo and hull, and a faint psionic shield wavers unsteadily, flickering in and out of
effectiveness as the sun sets. A portion of the lower hull teeters precariously under the shielding,
as if a soft breeze could blow it over.

Dom brings Mele to a halt and steps out slowly. Rapidly switching his vision through infrared
and thermal, he approaches the fading barrier, which appears to be shielding them from the
fading rays of light, but could also be attuned for protection.

Behind a stack of rubble, much of which appears to be various appendages of Damascus soldiers,
is a soft thermal glow. The shield wavers and blinks out as the final rays of the sun end in a dull
red glimmer. Dom moves closer, pushing back the darkness that threatens to overtake him as
panic works itself into knots in his brain. There’s no time for it now; he can’t let it control him.

He rounds the final portion of rubble mixed with oddly melted adrium, devoid of its electricity,
frozen into a rigid splashes of the metal, and steels himself.

for Book #1 - CHAMELEON
“Hanna takes familiar
sci-fi genre elements… and spins dystopian gold.” Kirkus Reviews

About the Author

KT Hanna has a love for words so extreme, a single word can spark entire worlds.

Born in Australia, she met her husband in a computer game, moved to the U.S.A. and went into culture shock. Bonus? Not as many creatures specifically out to kill you.

When she’s not writing, she freelance edits for Chimera Editing, and chases her daughter, husband, corgi, and cat. No, she doesn’t sleep. She is entirely powered by the number 2, caffeine, and beef jerky.

Note: Still searching for her Tardis
Author Links:
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