Rachael @ Rachael Turns Pages is sponsoring the Library Books Readathon - checked it out.
Happy National Library Week!
After all the fun I have had celebrating Nation Library week at my local library I thought it would be the perfect time to announce The 2nd Annual Library Books Readathon. After the great turn out of last year's readathon I couldn't wait to host it again. I changed it to be the beginning of the month since there is another Library readathon at the end of June.
The goal of this read-a-thon is to read as many library books as possible. If you are like me you always have books that are close to due that need to be done and fast so this read-a-thon is a great time to get those books done and get them back to the library.
I'm not going to be picky. If you want to read your own books go ahead. I just love read-a-thons so I would love anybody who could join.
This Read-A-Thon will start at midnight on June 9th and will go until midnight of the 16th. I will have daily posts about services my library offers that maybe your library offers too. If you are interested in guest posting during the readathon about your library email me at rachaelc1020 at gmail.com.
Thanks for joining the library books readathon. I'm so excited for it to start.