Sunday, November 22, 2009

Flashback Reading Challenge

January 1 - December 31, 2010

Aarti and Kristen are hosting the Flashback Challenge for 2010. This challenge is all about re-reading books.

You can sign up for the following levels:

Bookworm - Up to three books
Scholar - Four to six books
Literati - Over six books
Within these levels, there will be mini-challenges! These are:

1. Re-read a favorite book from your childhood

2. Re-read a book assigned to you in high school

3. Re-read a book you loved as an adult

Want more information or to sign up? Visit the post about the challenge.


  1. I'm so glad you're participating in this challenge! (Or I assume you are if you are posting about it here, but I guess I shouldn't make assumptions.) I think it will be great fun :-)


Thank you for stopping by - please let me know what you think