Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Book Blitz/#Giveaway : An Eclipsing Autumn (The Cycle of the Six Moons #2) by Adelle Yeung

An Eclipsing Autumn (The Cycle of the Six moons #2)

by Adelle Yeung

Release Date: March 25th 2016

Summary from Goodreads:

Deciding last minute to stay in Starrs, Michelle continues her epic adventure as Goddess. After all, learning how to save the world sure beats a year of pre-calculus. With her friends by her side, Michelle travels to a city of scholars to learn the lore of the Cycle of the Six Moons.

At first, the exotic retreat turns romantic, as Michelle spends her free time exchanging sweet letters with the crown prince, Jayse. But, during her studies, Michelle learns something that drastically changes her game plan. Powerful blood must be spilled to end the Cycle…blood that only runs through her veins and the prince destined to fall in love with her.

During a celebration honoring their enlightenment, Michelle and Jayse are whisked off to a rogue city as trophies of a tournament, where only the strongest can claim a taste of their blood. Gallant as ever, their guardian, Gediyon, enters to prevent harm to his friends. Unfortunately for the contestants, the Cycle’s latest trial prevents everyone from waking from a cursed slumber…

His servant returns wheeling in a white cart with a couple of drawers and a tray on top

holding color-coded test tubes. I swallow a lump in my throat.

“You want to take our blood?” I ask.

“How quick you are, Miss Goddess! Naturally. I project this will be the final day of the

tournament. What will I do with no trophy?”

Jayse draws his sword. Before we know it, the Men in Black have him in a headlock and

his sword clatters against the floor, chipping the black stain and exposing the red wood flesh

beneath. I hold tightly onto my axe, frozen in place.

“What makes you think we’ll willingly give it to you?” Jayse chokes.

“Your Majesty, you will comply. Resist my needles, and your friend Mr. Raidyne may

befall…an accident.”

I gasp. “What are you going to do to him?”

Mr. Gum leans back in his chair and raises a finger for each of his counts. “One, I can

eliminate his safety so he sustains injury in this round. Two, once he’s weakened, I can eject

him from the tournament. Three, I will then maroon him on an island, one which he’ll never

escape. He’ll never have known whether he was fighting to save his precious Martyrs, or if he

was fighting for a lie.”

“I won’t let you get away with this!” Jayse struggles against his captors, but they have a

grip of steel.

Mr. Gum curls a finger toward his men and says, “Bring him here.”

The men drag him a few feet toward the phlebotomy tray. I breathe heavily, thoughts

racing—we can’t let them taste our blood! With all that equipment, they can preserve it and

keep it for later. One of the men stretches Jayse’s arm and I scream, “No! I’ll do it!” As a

motion of surrender, I twist my axe back into a pen and tuck it away in my pocket. I say, “Take

my blood. I’m Goddess. My blood is stronger.”

“Ah, look whose loyalty is stronger, Prince. Your friend is fighting to protect you, and

you won’t even pay back with your blood?” He beckons me with his wagging finger. “Bring

her here.”

Book One (click on image for Goodreads link):

Starriest Summer eBook will be on sale for 99 cents from 
March 20-26!
Buy Links:

About the Author
Adelle Yeung is the author of The Cycle of the Six Moons trilogy, a young adult fantasy adventure.

She is also a voice-over artist who can’t go a day without a cup of tea. When she’s not writing or recording, she enjoys sewing costumes, baking sweets, and escaping on video game adventures. She lives in California with a cat that dreams of eating the pet bird.

She has provided script supervision for the independent animation, Shattered Heaven, and is head script editor and one of the co-writers for the upcoming game Fiona Frightening and the Wicked Wardrobe.

Author Links:
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